中央电视台国际频道 漫画超人 评委
第二届红人国际漫画艺术大赛 动画组 评委
第九届常州国际动漫节 评委
2012年7月 获第九届子恺杯全国漫画大展,优秀作品第一名。
2012年8月 获北京市文化局颁发的首届民族原创动漫大赛,叙事类漫画一等奖。
2012年9月 获第六届嘉兴国际漫画双年展,最佳主题作品奖。
2012年12月 获新闻出版署2012 “原动力”动漫出版的作者及图书两项扶持。
于1994年跻身漫画业,并于1999年创立了著名的 “重磅漫画”传媒品牌。出版发表各类作品超过1000部,累计超过30万幅。至今仍以漫画周刊、月刊、单行本的形式,不断连载出版数部作品。每月超过 100百万的固定读者在用纸媒体及网络阅读他的作品。图书发行于中国、韩国、泰国,及欧美国家。重磅漫画一度为国内最大原创漫画公司之一。
2011年5月,定价高达800元一本,由黄金镶嵌的水墨画集《大圣菩萨画传》也于多个国家做限量版发售。其中10幅原作则供养于佛塔。 2011年8月2日中国著名的佛教圣地狼山广教寺为水墨画集《大圣菩萨画传》举行了开光祈福法会。得到该寺如此空前重视的知名画家有两位:一是1982年国画大师范曾绘制壁画,二 是2011年画家权迎升的画集开光仪式。水墨画集参加建寺以来规 模最大的水陆法会,每天有70位僧人云集广教寺祈福。
Quan Yingsheng, an artist from Beijing, China, has been involved in comic creation for more than 17 years. He has six years experience in cartoon making, and has participated in making animated cartoon features such as A Journey to the West (52 episodes), and the 5000 Years of Chinese History television serials on CCTV. More than 30 comic books dealing with different kinds of themes have been published each year since his Beijing Heavycomics Culture & Media Co. Ltd came into existence in 1999. His comic works, which has a dominant feature of a Chinese ink-painting style become popular in the domestic market as well as in South Korea, Europe and the United States and Taiwan. Heavycomics Culture & Media Co. Ltd has been grown up to a famous comic creation company since 2000 to 2005.Now this company already have 100 books copyright.
In 1998, has been awarded Excellent Work in the 'World Chinese Arts Competition '
In 1999, international illustration exhibition in Italy Bologna. He have five Ink Paintings be selected from《Genghis Khan》.
In 2009, has been selected as one of NCACG (nation comic and creative game base) comic artist before 25.
In 2011, award of the best Comics Strips in the fifth AACC. (Asian Youth Animation & Comic Contest)
In 2011, award the Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial the first prize —Grand Master prize
On a list of best-selling foreign books for the first time.
In 2004, his comics series China myth was published in South Korea. When sales began, it ranked in the top three on the list of best-sellers related to education, and 12 volumes of the comic books have appeared continuously in China and South Korea.
The first cartoon drama in China.
In 2007, his cartoon works Super Baby, a children’s adventure-drama, which he co-created with his writing partner from South Korean, was performed on the stage by the Beijing Children Art Theatre. It has become the first play based on a cartoon ever performed in China. At the same time, the cartoon Super Baby was serialized in the Asian Journal in South Korea.
The creation of the first Sino-American comic strip
In 2007, a series of comics, State Ranger, which was created by Chinese and American cartoonists, came onto the markets in the United States with toys taken from the cartoon, being released.
In 2009, series of original comic was serialized in 8 magazines, including fantasies, detective novels, and science fictions.
In 2010, Dragon online was the fist weekly serial comic work in China, it was very popular and took the first position of the billboard of magazines.
The best sales personal paintings
2011.05, gold mosaic of ink paintings 《大圣菩萨画传》(Dasheng and Pusa Story)one book sale by 800RMB. Ten pages have been selected and putted in temple.
2011.08.26, comic story《格萨尔王》(King Gesar) won the best story award of Comics Strip in the fifth AACC. His Chinese ink painting style stands up from 13600 works of 76 countries.
2012.2, 《格萨尔王》(King Gesar) is going to publish book five in China, Korea and US. At the same time Mr. Quan will stage “Tibet Legend” Quan Yingsheng ink painting show.
Beijing Heavycomics Culture & Media Co. Ltd
Tel: 0086-10-80811302 & 80811063
Mobile: 0086-13701068056